moving2valencia -

Teléfono: 648117862.
Página web:
Especialidades: Consultor inmobiliario, Service establishment.
Otros datos de interés: Ofrece asistencia en otros idiomas.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 8 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 5/5.

Ubicación de moving2valencia


Horario de moving2valencia

  • Lunes: 9:00–14:00, 16:00–19:00
  • Martes: 9:00–14:00, 16:00–19:00
  • Miércoles: 9:00–14:00, 16:00–19:00
  • Jueves: 9:00–14:00, 16:00–19:00
  • Viernes: 9:00–14:00, 16:00–18:00
  • Sábado: Cerrado
  • Domingo: Cerrado

¡Claro! Aquí tienes la información sobre Moving2Valencia en un lenguaje cercano y en tercera persona:

Moving2Valencia es una empresa que se dedica a ofrecer servicios de consultoría inmobiliaria y establecimiento de servicios en Valencia. Si estás buscando ayuda para encontrar tu lugar perfecto en esta hermosa ciudad, ellos son una excelente opción.

Ubicados en Valencia, Moving2Valencia cuenta con un número de teléfono para contactarles directamente: 648117862. Además, puedes conocer más sobre sus servicios visitando su página web:

Sus especialidades incluyen la consultoría inmobiliaria y el establecimiento de servicios, lo que los convierte en el aliado perfecto para aquellos que buscan asesoramiento profesional en estos campos. Una característica destacada de Moving2Valencia es que ofrecen asistencia en varios idiomas, lo que facilita la comunicación y la comprensión para clientes internacionales.

En cuanto a las opiniones, esta empresa ha recibido 8 valoraciones en Google My Business, con una opinión media de 5/5, lo cual habla muy bien de la calidad de sus servicios y la satisfacción de sus clientes.

Si estás considerando mudarte a Valencia, Moving2Valencia es una excelente opción para contar con asesoramiento especializado y personalizado. No dudes en ponerte en contacto con ellos a través de su página web para comenzar a planificar tu traslado y encontrar la propiedad perfecta para ti en esta encantadora ciudad.

¡No pierdas más tiempo y contáctalos hoy mismo a través de su página web para empezar esta nueva aventura en Valencia!

Opiniones de moving2valencia

moving2valencia -

You can't go wrong with Christa. She takes you personally and doesn't leave anything to chance.
I just moved to Valencia from another continent. I don't speak Spanish (yet), and unfortunately English is not widely common here. Christa helped me with everything, and I mean everything: Finding a house, communicating with the realtor and landlord, opening a bank account, health insurance, local red tape, etc. She's a true professional and I wouldn't want to imagine doing all this without her help. She's always there for me.

moving2valencia -
Mary Reeves

My husband and I had been to Valencia two times before our move and I spoke a bit of Spanish. I wanted to embrace the challenge of moving to Spain without too much handholding. Luckily, we met Christa and contracted with her for some relocation services. Her knowledge of the area and the culture were absolutely invaluable in helping us negotiate key items, including finding an apartment for long term rental quickly and obtaining appointments for key documents. I am happy to report that things went very smoothly for us thanks to her help. Christa has an uncanny knack for being friendly but tough when she needs to be to deal with government and business entities here in Spain, and it gets the job done! She is very organized and fair in her billing, and she is super responsive, both for day to day and immediate needs. I highly recommend moving2valencia.

moving2valencia -
Louise Brace

My husband and I have been visiting Valencia for 8 years and we consider ourselves reasonably familiar with the city. However relocating on a more permanent basis proved challenging as the housing stock for rent was moving fast, often with out-dated listings and incomplete information from the local estate agencies.

Working with Christa unlocked the impasses we faced, accelerating the sourcing of suitable accommodation . This was all in budget and to our desired availability. Christa was also invaluable in the transactional side of the move - providing translation and administrative services that saved us a lot of time and money.

Valencia is a wonderful city filled with amazing opportunities for families and individuals alike. Christa made moving here possible and we have had no hesitation in recommending her services to other friends also looking to make this fantastic positive life change we are now enjoying.

moving2valencia -

My husband and I are considering a move to Valencia in the near future. We hired Christa to take us around and show us the city and tell us about potential neighborhoods that would be appropriate for us, as well as giving us an overview of the necessary steps it would take for us to live there for a few years - visas, healthcare, cost of living, etc. We felt like she did a terrific job of telling us about the city, and she quickly got a good sense for who we are and what would be appealing to us so she could advise us on what would work best for us. She really did what it took to deliver on her promises to us. Assuming we choose Valencia as the location where we're going to move, we plan to enlist Christa for her additional relocation services when we're ready for the move!

moving2valencia -
Risa Lee

My husband and I decided to move to Valencia temporarily, after being advised that we should leave the United States in order to apply for his green-card. With only a rudimentary level of Spanish, we searched fruitlessly for several weeks to find someone to help us find an apartment. We were lucky to finally find moving2valencia. Christa responded to our first email the next day, and was always prompt and incredibly kind. Since we were on a very tight budget, she would often suggest alternate methods for things that in the end saved us hundreds of dollars. She is professional, well-connected and patient. We cannot thank her enough for the top-notch services she provides!

moving2valencia -
Els Van Humbeeck

We came across Moving2Valencia in a Facebook Group and sheduled a first call. We immediately had a very good feeling talking to Christa. She's honest, not overselling and very clear and transparant in how she works and how she charges. We immediately felt confident in working with her to help us with our move to Valencia. Besides professional, she was very fun to work with and we got a lot more than expected from our working together. I definitely recomend Moving2Valencia!

moving2valencia -
Soraca Mohan

I considered moving to Valencia first time mid last year (2017). Especially relating to my demanding job it was clear to me, that without a reliable person organizing everything for me on site, I would never be able to do this step.
I found Christa on the internet and had a first call with her. She was very responsive and due to her own experience and experience with clients, she understood exactly my thoughts and worries. Already there I felt comfortable to put her in charge of my relocation. This was proven true during the past months. It actually never felt like a business relationship as her service was far in excess of what I expected. I can only deeply recommend to contact her in case of any questions concerning relocation or to get her hands on in organizing everything on-site.

moving2valencia -
Brendon Craigie

Highly knowledgeable, proactive and fun to work with. Made our move to Spain relatively easy
