Agnes Property Buyers Madrid -

Teléfono: 651133126.
Página web:
Especialidades: Consultor inmobiliario, Service establishment.
Otros datos de interés: Se identifica como de propietarias mujeres, Citas online.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 14 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 5/5.

Ubicación de Agnes Property Buyers Madrid

Agnes Property Buyers Madrid

Horario de Agnes Property Buyers Madrid

  • Lunes: 9:00–19:00
  • Martes: 9:00–19:00
  • Miércoles: 9:00–19:00
  • Jueves: 9:00–19:00
  • Viernes: 9:00–19:00
  • Sábado: 9:00–14:00
  • Domingo: Cerrado

Helptobuyinmadrid es una empresa especializada en consultoría inmobiliaria que se distingue por tener como público objetivo a propietarias mujeres. Con un teléfono de contacto 651133126 y una página web, se presenta como una excelente opción para aquellas personas interesadas en adquirir o vender propiedades en Madrid.

Ubicada en la capital española, Helptobuyinmadrid destaca por su enfoque en brindar un servicio personalizado y de calidad a sus clientes. Sus especialidades incluyen la consultoría inmobiliaria, asesoramiento en establecimiento de servicios y la posibilidad de agendar citas online para mayor comodidad.

En cuanto a la reputación de la empresa, cuenta con un total de 14 valoraciones en Google My Business, todas ellas positivas, lo que refleja su compromiso con la satisfacción del cliente. Con una opinión media de 5/5, Helptobuyinmadrid se posiciona como una opción confiable y de alta calidad en el sector inmobiliario de Madrid.

Para aquellas personas que buscan un servicio especializado y personalizado en la compra o venta de propiedades en la capital española, Helptobuyinmadrid es una opción a considerar. Su enfoque en propietarias mujeres y la posibilidad de agendar citas online hacen que sea una alternativa ideal para quienes valoran la atención personalizada y de calidad.

Opiniones de Agnes Property Buyers Madrid

Agnes Property Buyers Madrid -
Alberto Solbes

A mi contactaron con Agnes para ayudarnos en la compra de un piso en Madrid. Sin conocerla, solo por recomendación, siempre se porto profesional y súper etica. Todo lo hicimos a la distancia, nos apoyó, nos explico y en todo momento se puso de nuestro lado. Ahora que la conozco y hemos comprobado al 100% sus servicios la recomiendo con los ojos cerrados. Nosotros ya concluimos el proceso con los mejores resultados y seguimos en contacto para varios trámites. Ya al final los consideramos nuestros amigos. Si algún día tienen una inquietud en Madrid, sin duda lo puedes hacer con ella! Por cierto, siempre es muy transparente con todos los gastos y dinero.


Agnes Property Buyers Madrid -
Lara Schober

Recientemente hemos comprado un apartamento en Madrid con la ayuda de Agnes y no sabríamos qué habríamos hecho sin ella. Nos guió con su experiencia desde el principio hasta el final, siempre fue accesible, comprensiva y flexible, y sólo tenía nuestro mejor interés en mente. ¡Muchas gracias Agnes!

Agnes Property Buyers Madrid -
Eva Champion

Agnes m'a accompagné tout au long de mon projet immobilier, toujours présente, disponible et de très bons conseils. Elle connait très bien son métier, parle parfaitement français et est très professionelle. En plus, elle est très sympathique et aime son travail. Je suis très contente d'avoir fait ce projet avec elle, tout s'est parfaitement déroulé, je la recommande vivement.

Agnes Property Buyers Madrid -
web web

Excelente servicio. En mi caso, contacté con ella para una valoración de un piso en el que iba a invertir. Es una profesional rigurosa, muy agradable y rápida en su trabajo. Repetiré sin duda si lo necesito.

Agnes Property Buyers Madrid -
Vanesa Rosado

Agnes and Dani were top notch in all the help they both provided me during my search and purchase of a property in Madrid! They really took me by the hand and guided me in every step of the way. There are many steps! Their help truly made a difference in my confidence in buying abroad. Agnes has much knowledge about the Spain market and everything involved in the purchase from start to finish. They both really go above and beyond for you! I would highly recommend their services to guide you and help you with the purchase of a property in Spain which is so important especially if you are not there in person to do the search and everything else. I did my entire search and purchase from the US with them and felt confident since they were my eyes and ears representing me through the entire process.
Thank you both again for everything!

Agnes Property Buyers Madrid -
Christian Lombardo

Working with Agnes and her partner Dani for the purchase of a property in Spain was a fantastic experience. As a foreign buyer, it is critical to have advocates representing you who are experienced and understand the complexity of this process. All communications with Agnes were excellent and responsive. She puts significant effort into clearly understanding the needs and requirements of her clients with respect to the property they wish to buy. She is completely transparent and honest regarding expectations for the purchase. This is an important and essential quality in a buyer’s agent. She always has the buyer’s best interests first and negotiates with sellers and other parties accordingly. She does a superb job at finding and filtering properties so that clients do not waste time. She found an ideal property for me very quickly. In addition to being highly skilled at finding the best properties, Agnes is highly knowledgeable about many other aspects of the real estate transaction process. She has the confident ability to navigate the paperwork, contracts and other bureaucracy associated with the property purchase. As a foreign buyer, one most definitely needs this. Her partner, Dani, is phenomenal. His background in engineering and construction is a tremendous asset when evaluating properties and identifying the strengths and weakness of each. He is a real problem solver. Dani always gives honest, clear advice and recommendations. He and Agnes are able see the potential in a property and make suggestions regarding possible renovations if one wished to do this. They work hard to provide the best possible price and value for buyers. In my particular case, they achieved this spectacularly. They found a newly renovated apartment in the ideal, preferred location and negotiated a lower price. Also important, and very much appreciated, is that Dani and Agnes helped out quite a lot after the closing documents were signed to smooth out and finalize the whole process. Agnes and Dani are a wonderful team and incredibly kind people. Their work ethic, knowledge, people skills and communications instilled complete trust during the entire process of the apartment purchase. They have been an absolute joy to work with. Highest recommendation.

Agnes Property Buyers Madrid -
F.S. Sylvia

Agnes and her husband Daniel are both genuinly nice and commited people. The most dramatic part was when Agnes was rushing to chase up a very important information for us and broke a foot. She still arrived on time to our meeting and protected our intrest even in these circumstances. Without them it would have been more expensive, risky and very stressful to go through all the difficulties of buying a property in a country with which we were not familiar. You can truly count on them.

Agnes Property Buyers Madrid -
Adam Markle

I am thrilled to be writing about my experience with Agnes. Hiring her was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I had been wanting to move to Spain since the first time I visited in 2010. I started getting serious about looking to buy a flat about 4 years ago but kept hitting roadblocks. I was referred to Agnes by a man who has an Instagram and YouTube channel promoting Spain. I checked out her website and was impressed. After emailing her, she set up a zoom interview, where she went over the process and costs. I decided to hire her (paying a deposit) and we then had a 2nd zoom meeting where we went into a very detailed description of the neighborhoods in Madrid I wanted to move to and the “must haves” in a flat and the “preferences but not required” and the things I definitely “didn’t want”.
Agnes also works with her husband, Dani. Agnes searches thoroughly through listings via Idealista as well as having other venues to find properties. I started with Agnes probably mid-October. Agnes and Dani went to approximately 20 to 25 properties. They videotaped and made comments of each place. They also sent a detailed description for me to review. I planned to be in Madrid the end of Nov/beginning of Dec to visit as many places as I could. We narrowed it down to about 15 properties for the 10 days I was there. I found about 3 I liked, made an offer on one that I knew in advance was already taken but the owner was still thinking about taking other offers. I didn’t get it, but I was actually happy about it, because even though I had made an offer I was having second thoughts because I really liked another one a bit better because it had a rooftop terrace. This flat was one that wasn’t even on my radar actually. Agnes had a feeling it would be a good property to see and although I wasn’t super convinced from the photos, I had agreed to have her go to it. After seeing the video, I had put it on my maybe list as a back up if I ran out of properties I had wanted to see while I was visiting Spain. Toward the end of the week Agnes reminded me of it (although I had actually had my mind set on a different property), so I decided to go ahead and see it toward the end of my time there. Well, I actually just loved it after seeing it in person. After the offer was denied on the other place, I told Agnes I was actually happy and let’s make an offer on the one I got. She was amazing with her negotiation skills, and I feel like I got a great deal! She was very detailed and thorough with me with the numbers because I was at my high limit for my budget for the deposit.
I highly recommend Agnes. She was very informative, and always answered any questions I had. She is very detailed oriented and seems to remember everything I told her. She referred me to an amazing broker. I had spoken to some other brokers and always got the “it’s very hard for banks in Spain to lend to people in the US, I don’t think we can help you”. The broker Agnes referred me to was amazing. Included with the cost of hiring Agnes, was having an architect inspect my place and the lawyers reviewing all the paperwork. Agnes went with me to open up my bank account (as I’m not fluent in Spanish) when I was in Madrid, she went with me to the notary for the closing and her husband Dani got all the utilities changed to my name after purchasing the flat. The entire process was super smooth. I ended up closing on my flat mid-January (the entire process took about 3 months from interviewing Agnes to closing). The only stress I had was in my own thoughts that a curve ball would come my way and throw the process off, and I wouldn’t buy a flat. Agnes and Dani helped my biggest dream come true and I will always appreciate them. If anyone has questions or concerns about hiring Agnes, I told them they could give out my number and speak with me. I can't say enough great things about Agnes!!
